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Главная » 2011 » Октябрь » 9 » Forces of Hordes: Circle Orboros
Forces of Hordes: Circle Orboros

The Circle Orboros is humanity’s most ancient organization, composed of powerful mystics who watch over natural places seeped in ancient power. While few in number, these druids wield boundless power of nature and can call upon savage beasts such as ferocious warpwolves and satyrs that stalk the forest as well as armies of human Wolves of Orboros and inhuman tribes of bloodthirsty Tharn. The most powerful druids can even shape stone into mighty fighting constructs called wolds. Where the Circle walks all should fear to tread, lest the power of Orboros be brought against them.

Learn the secrets of this powerful and ancient organization with Forces of HORDES: Circle Orboros, featuring:

• Complete faction rules and profiles for using all current Circle Orboros models in HORDES Mk II.
• New troops to bring to the fight, plus the all-new warlock Cassius the Oathkeeper and his companion solo Wurmwood, Tree of Fate.
• An in-depth look at the history and structure of the Circle Orboros.
• A painting and modeling guide to help ready your forces for battle.
• Circle Orboros Theme Force lists and rules, which allow you to create armies based on specialized forces from the Circle of Orboros.

Название: Forces of Hordes: Circle Orboros
Издатель: Privateer Press
Вселенная: Forces of Hordes
Редакция: Mk II
Release Date: November 24, 2010
Качество: сканированные страницы
Язык: английский
Страницы: 116
Файл: PDF (125 МБ)

Категория: Warmachine | Просмотров: 498 | Добавил: MisterNurgl | Теги: Forces, Circle, Orboros, Hordes | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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