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Главная » 2011 » Май » 12 » WorldWorksGames: Pirate Sets - Maiden of the High Seas
WorldWorksGames: Pirate Sets - Maiden of the High Seas

Предлагается основной несущий пакет сета Pirate Sets - Maiden of the High Seas. Детализированный корсарский корабль адаптирован для миниатюр стандарта 28 мм.

Set sail with one of the most unique models for role playing ever created! The Maiden of the High Seas" is set to start the RPG world on fire. Whether you're gamers are die-hard swashbucklers or you simply need a ship for a crucial plot point, the Maiden will fill a long time void in many RPG genres. Best of all, you don't need to blow hundreds of dollars and or weeks on a custom built ship for your miniatures. Build the Maiden in a matter of days and on a budget that will make you smile.

Gamers and model hobbyists alike will find many unique uses for the Maiden. A proud item to display on the gaming table and equally suited for the fireplace mantel wink But what makes the Maiden especially unique is her ability to separate decks "on the fly", allowing for multiple, simultaneous levels of game play!
Multi-deck System:

The sterncastle, forecastle and main hull are all independent sections. Each has a roof that is easily removed to access interior elements with ease. Combat and general movement can take place on all decks simultaneously without the need to re-order other sections. The lower decks even accommodates a number of ornately detailed free floating walls, allowing you to create practically any interior hull layout.
Multiple Miniatures Scale:

The Maiden of the High Seas is compatible with nearly all miniature scales. We've included 1-inch and 1.5-inch grids as well as no-grid versions of all the included decks.
Masts and Sails:

With the Maiden's unique mast and yard design users can configure their ships sails in any number of ways in "real time". Simply drop on the sail of your choice to change the look and feel of the ship. Even show "raised sail states" with a number of raised sail designs. A great way to give players a sense of what state the sails are in during a bad stretch of weather wink
Internal Props:

As usual WorldWorks has provided you with a number of highly detailed interior props to "dress" the inside of your ship and give it a rich pirate flair! From the captain's desk strewn with maps to the sweat stained hammocks, each element and texture have been carefully crafted to give you an authentic nautical feel. Bed trunks, tables, chairs, cargo crates, weathered cannons and of course the dreaded "plank" all add to an environment that will make your players feel like they are really there!
Ink-Jet Transparencies:

Always innovating WorldWorks has incorporated the use of Ink-Jet transparencies in our designs to create intricate objects that are incredibly easy to build. Elements such as complex riggings, knotted roping (ratlines) and windows have been rendered with incredible detail specifically to be printed on transparencies. Other elements such as battle damage also use transparencies and can be placed anywhere on your ship that you want to show damage (blood, burn marks, broken decking, cannon holes, dents). Think of transparencies as "Alpha channels" for cardstock modeling.

It wouldn't be a WorldWorks product if we didn't include a Masterboard and this one is special. To create a convincing ocean worthy of your creation we've put together a large format area of water with specular lighting, reflectivity's and wave effects that ground your model in an aura of believability. A series of twelve water tiles make up an image that will convince "some" that you've imported your own piece of the ocean right to your gaming table wink
Huge Kitbashing potential:

("Kitbashing"- To re-order the elements within a model set to come up with new designs.)
The Maiden is almost made with "Kitbashing" in mind. Extend the central hull as long as you like, add more masts, change sail designs, make her stubby, make her long. There is monstrous kitbashing potential here and with the support of a large and dedicated community at WorldWorks you can exchange ideas and pictures with fellow modelers. Build one, build a fleet!

Pull all of this together with detailed, printer friendly, step by step, photographed instructions, user support via the WorldWorks forums and you have one product that is hard to pass up. So what are you waiting for? Get sailing ya scurvy ridden scalawag!

Категория: Литература по миниатюризму | Просмотров: 594 | Добавил: MisterNurgl | Теги: high, Sets, Pirate, Seas, of the, Maiden, WorldWorksGames | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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«  Май 2011  »

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