Первоисточник (sourcebook) по продвинутой магии и волшебству для
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3-ей версии. Основы волшебства в мире
Вархаммера, описание Школ Магии, их иерархий, обзор магии других рас
(разных эльфийских народов, гномья рунная магия, магии Хаоса и
ваагх-магии), расширенные правила на магию и советы по игре волшебниками
разных школ. In addition to a wealth of new information and
background material on the Old World and the role of magic in the
Warhammer setting, Winds of Magic includes some new and expanded rules
on magic use, wizards, and Chaos. Players and GMs should familiarise
themselves with these new rules before using them in play. What
appears on the following pages is an excerpt from The Inconvenient
Truths by Ehrwig von Dankien, a once respected and affl uent professor
of Arcane History at Altdorf University. His publication was met
with mixed reviews – sneers and open mocking by some, revulsion and
condemnation by others. Regardless, this seemingly innocuous treatise
sent shockwaves through both the academic and arcane communities with
its assertions and speculations regarding the history and fundamental
roots of magic in the Old World. The Colleges of Magic,
normally victims of their own plodding bureaucracies and ineffi
ciencies, reacted swiftly. They destroyed as many copies of the text as
possible and took measures to make sure Ehrwig von Dankien would not
produce another such work. However, despite the College’s best
eff orts, a few copies of the work remain. The original manuscript was
written in the oft-inscrutable Classical dialect, and the pages
extremely brittle. Despite the potential danger the writings pose, the information has been translated here for your perusal. Read on, with caution. Файл упакован в rar-архив со специально "неадекватным" названием во избежание удаления.
Кроме того в файл добавлен набор сканов "перфокарт" (punch cards) с
изображениями героев, NPC, жетонов и треккеров, необходимых для игры. Название: Winds of Magic Издатель: Games Workshop Вселенная: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Редакция: 3-я редакция Качество: очень хорошее (OEF) Язык: английский Страницы: 50 Файл: PDF (90,6 МБ)