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Главная » 2012 » Январь » 20 » Rogue Trader - Hostile Acquisitions
Rogue Trader - Hostile Acquisitions

"An honest life is no life at all, all duty and servitude and struggling to survive at the feet of someone born to better. A dishonest life is the way to live—no preacher expects a thief to tithe, and the authorities have no claim on moneys stolen. Of course, you need a quick wit to survive… few are happy to find themselves a few thrones lighter, and the Magistratum don’t take too kindly to thieves.”
–‘Fingers’ Deru, Scintillan pick-pocket

Rogue Traders are accustomed to earning their livings in the grey areas of the law, but a few brave or foolhardy captains take it a step further...
Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce the next supplement for Rogue Trader, Hostile Acquisitions! Within this detailed book, players and GMs will find all they need to run a campaign on the far side of Imperial Law. From new characters and equipment to creating nemeses and running games based on criminal enterprise, Hostile Acquisitions is an invaluable resource on those Rogue Traders who are more rogue than trader.

Crime often pays

Hostile Acquisitions has some particularly exciting aspects that were deviously fun to work on. One was the new character alternate career ranks, such as the Swashbucker, the House Operative, and the Cold Trader. These new alternate career ranks are highly flavourful, and allow you to make a character with a distinctively "scoundrel” bent. The House Operative is especially interesting, because it allows players to make characters who are essentially secret agents for a more powerful entity. They might even be working for the Rogue Trader’s dynasty’s interests, rather than the Rogue Trader, so players may take the role of an agent who may be secretly working against his own boss. Another fascinating part of Hostile Acquisitions is the Nemesis Origin Path. A modification of the popular Rogue Trader Origin Path system, the Nemesis Path helps GMs craft a custom made adversary for their groups. The Nemesis Path actually ties into the Origin Path that the players fill out, so that the choices they make can determine the type of adversary they’ll go up against. Of course, this is only some of the new content in this book. Hostile Acquisitions has new gear and starship upgrades to facilitate piracy and smuggling, a section on Imperial adversaries and details on Imperial Law, guidelines on how to run a "con” game, and a list of mythical treasures waiting to be "liberated.”Hostile Acquisitions is a guide to crime for Explorers with a flexible sense of morality. A catalog of valuable treasures wait to be "liberated.” In short, Hostile Acquisitions is proof that in the Koronus Expanse, crime often pays.

Огромное спасибо уважаемому Tolstiy, предоставившему нам эту замечательную книгу.

Название: Rogue Trader - Hostile Acquisitions
Категория издания: Full, bookmarked
Издатель: Fantasy Flight Games
Игровой мир: Warhammer 40 000 RolePlay
Качество: отличное
Страницы: 146
Язык: английский
Файл: PDF (50,5 МБ)

Категория: Warhammer 40k | Просмотров: 591 | Добавил: MisterNurgl | Теги: Acquisitions, Hostile, Trader, Rogue | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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«  Январь 2012  »

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