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Главная » 2010»Декабрь»4 » Pathfinder RPG - 217 книг (2008 - 2010, PDF, ENG)
Pathfinder RPG - 217 книг (2008 - 2010, PDF, ENG)
После выхода 4ой редакции D&D разработчики остановили поддержку
третьей редакции. Более того, они отозвали лицензию у компании Paizo на
выпуск ежемесячных журналов Dungeon и Dragon. Однако некоторое время
спустя Paizo анонсировали свою ролевую систему - Pathfinder RPG. Она
представляет из себя, фактически, сбалансированную компиляцию хоумрулов
для 3.5-ой редакции. Про систему можно говорить очень много, но если вы
действительно предпочитаете 3.5 всем остальным фентези системам, то вам
этот проект должен понравиться, ибо разработкой занимаются не абы кто, а
одни из самых уважаемых в мире D&D людей.
Дополнительная информация:
В эту раздачу включены все книги по Pathfinder RPG, которые есть у
меня. Если найду что-то ещё, а так же по просьбам пользователей, буду
обновлять пост.
Список книг :
Pathfinder\Adventure Paths Pathfinder\Chronicles Pathfinder\Companions Pathfinder\Core Rules Pathfinder\Fell Beasts, Volume One.pdf Pathfinder\Fell Beasts, Volume Three.pdf Pathfinder\Fell Beasts, Volume Two.pdf Pathfinder\GameMastery Pathfinder\Kobold Quarterly 13.pdf Pathfinder\Modules Pathfinder\Society Pathfinder\Tome of Secrets.pdf Pathfinder\Undefeatable Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF1-6 Rise of the Runelords Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF13-18 Second Darkness Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF19-24 Legacy of Fire Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF25-30 Council of Thieves Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF31-36 Kingmaker Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF7-12 Curse of the Crimson Throne Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF1-6 Rise of the Runelords\0 Rise of the Runelords Item Deck.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF1-6 Rise of the Runelords\0 Rise of the Runelords Map Folio.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF1-6 Rise of the Runelords\0 Rise Of The Runelords Player's Guide.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF1-6 Rise of the Runelords\1 Burnt Offerings.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF1-6 Rise of the Runelords\2 The Skinsaw Murders.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF1-6 Rise of the Runelords\3 The Hook Mountain Massacres.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF1-6 Rise of the Runelords\4 Fortress of the Stone Giants.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF1-6 Rise of the Runelords\5 Sins of the Saviors.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF1-6 Rise of the Runelords\6 Spires of Xin-Shalast.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF13-18 Second Darkness\0 Second Darkness Map Folio.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF13-18 Second Darkness\0 Second Darkness Player's Guide.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF13-18 Second Darkness\1 Shadow in the Sky.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF13-18 Second Darkness\2 Children of the Void.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF13-18 Second Darkness\3 Armageddon Echo.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF13-18 Second Darkness\4 Endless Night.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF13-18 Second Darkness\5 A Memory of Darkness.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF13-18 Second Darkness\6 Descent into Midnight.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF19-24 Legacy of Fire\0 Legacy Of Fire Map Folio.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF19-24 Legacy of Fire\0 Legacy of Fire Player's Guide.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF19-24 Legacy of Fire\1 Howl of the Carrion King.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF19-24 Legacy of Fire\2 House of the Beast.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF19-24 Legacy of Fire\3 The Jackal's Price.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF19-24 Legacy of Fire\4 The End of Eternity.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF19-24 Legacy of Fire\5 The Impossible Eye.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF19-24 Legacy of Fire\6 The Final Wish.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF25-30 Council of Thieves\0 Council of Thieves Map Folio.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF25-30 Council of Thieves\0 Council of Thieves Players Guide.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF25-30 Council of Thieves\1 The Bastards of Erebus.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF25-30 Council of Thieves\2 The Sixfold Trial.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF25-30 Council of Thieves\3 What Lies in Dust.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF25-30 Council of Thieves\4 The Infernal Syndrome.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF25-30 Council of Thieves\5 Mother of Flies.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF25-30 Council of Thieves\6 The Twice-Damned Prince.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF31-36 Kingmaker\0 Kingmaker Player's Guide.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF31-36 Kingmaker\1 Stolen Land.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF31-36 Kingmaker\2 Rivers Run Red.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF31-36 Kingmaker\3 The Varnhold Vanishing.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF31-36 Kingmaker\4 Blood for Blood (oef).pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF31-36 Kingmaker\5 War of the River Kings (oef).pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF31-36 Kingmaker\6 Sound of a Thousand Screams (oef).pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF7-12 Curse of the Crimson Throne\0 Curse of the Crimson Throne Item Deck.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF7-12 Curse of the Crimson Throne\0 Curse of the Crimson Throne Map Folio.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF7-12 Curse of the Crimson Throne\0 Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF7-12 Curse of the Crimson Throne\1 Edge of Anarchy.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF7-12 Curse of the Crimson Throne\2 Seven Days to the Grave.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF7-12 Curse of the Crimson Throne\3 Escape From Old Korvosa.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF7-12 Curse of the Crimson Throne\4 A History of Ashes.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF7-12 Curse of the Crimson Throne\5 Skeletons of Scarwall.pdf Pathfinder\Adventure Paths\PF7-12 Curse of the Crimson Throne\6 Crown of Fangs.pdf Pathfinder\Chronicles\Book of the Damned - 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