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Главная » 2010 » Декабрь » 7 » Malifaux - Rising Powers
Malifaux - Rising Powers

Вторая книга игровой системы Malifaux

The battles waged to control the Soulstone trade have created class divisions for mankind in Malifaux. While the Guild struggles to maintain peace and control the flow of Soulstones beneath an iron fist, Arcanists, mages basking in the glory of their found power, have bonded together to oppose those that would deny them the glory of their natural abilities. Resurrectionists practicing the necromantic art of rebirth and reanimation have shed the vestiges of their humanity with each accursed syllable of their unholy pacts. And the inhabitants of this world, the Neverborn, stand against them all, determined to drive them back through the Great Breach that spans the aether between worlds.

Here, in Malifaux, the battle lines are drawn and allies and adversaries have risen to meet the escalation in power. More than the exploitation of coveted Soulstone is at stake. The balance of Life and Death stands against the twisting of Fate’s forces.

As the world of Malifaux expands, so do the opportunities for conflict. A growing encounter system gives players nearly limitless options to fight over. Also, you are no longer limited by the Master you choose to lead your Crew. Henchmen have appeared to take on additional roles unavailable before, and releasing the previously unknown power of the Special Forces.

With the stories in this Malifaux expansion, characters are presented for every faction – Guild, Resurrectionists, Arcanists, Neverborn, and Outcasts, including a look at the Gremin Kin, one group of Special Forces.

Название: Malifaux - Rising Powers
Вселенная: Malifaux
Качество: только параметры отрядов, художественный текст отсутствует
Язык: английский
Формат: сфотографированные страницы
Файл: 35,6 МБ

Категория: Литература по миниатюризму | Просмотров: 543 | Добавил: MisterNurgl | Теги: Powers, Rising, Malifaux | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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