Lord Of The Rings (LOTR), Blood Bowl (BB), Battlefleet Gothic (BG), Epic Armageddon (EA), Inquisitor, Mordheim, Necromunda, The Battle Of Five Armies (TBOFA), Warmaster, Aeronautica Imperialis (AI), Gorkamorka
This is the eagerly anticipated first book in a new series from
Warhammer Forge, and as its name suggests Monstrous Arcanum deals with a
veritable carnival of monsters both arcane and bloodthirsty. Within
this 113 page, full-colour hardback book, you will find 32 new monsters –
nightmarish horrors and noble beasts, creatures of magic made flesh and
the victims of terrible curses inflicted by dark powers – presented in
the form of Binding Scrolls for use with any Warhammer army.
These are not limited to just Storm of Magic games, however, as the book
contains nine scenarios and special rules to allow these deadly
creatures to be fielded in regular Warhammer battles, and a helpful
appendix chart to allow you to theme your monsters to your army.
Lavishly illustrated throughout with some of the finest artwork yet
produced by Rhys Pugh and Sam Lamont and presented in gold-inlaid
leather effect binding, Monstrous Arcanum takes the form of a detailed
bestiary of these infernal and terrible creatures, and also contains new
magic items and artefacts alongside a short narrative campaign. Our
Visual Feed channel on youtube also has an interview about Monstrous
Arcanum with Alan Bligh.
Название: MONSTROUS ARCANUM Издатель: Forge World по лицензии Games Workshop Вселенная: Warhammer Fantasy Battles Редакция: текущая Качество: неплохое, полностью читаемое Язык: английский Страницы: 110 Файл: PDF (32,3 МБ)