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Eldar Codex sneak pics! - rules and background
MisterNurglДата: Среда, 29.05.2013, 00:54 | Сообщение # 1
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From 3++

Fire Dragon WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 5 A 1
Fire Dragon Exarch WS 5 BS 5 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 6 A 1
Heavy Aspect Armor (3+)
Fusion Gun
Melta Bombs
Special Rules:
Ancient Doom
Battle Focus
- 5 Dragons 110 points
up to 5 more at 22/model
1 Exarch upgrade 10
Exarch may take Dragon's Breath Flamer for free or Firepike 15pts
Exarch may take up to two of the following exarch powers:
Iron Resolve 5pts
Crushing Blow 10pts
Fast Shot 10pts
May use a Wave Serpent as a Dedicated Transport.

So 6 points more but they are now a 3+ save; they were always going to get a points bump and still 110 pts for five meltaguns isn't huge though I think 20 pts would have been fine without knowing if Battle Focus affects all weapons and what Ancient Doom does.

DBF still is nice and with fast shot can make the unit very good against both tanks and infantry.

Shard of Anabis: combat weapon, +2S Ap- Rending, Vauls Work, Vauls Work.

Vauls Work = bearer has fearless, In challenge bearer has Fleshbane and Instant Death

FireSabre: combat weapon, +1S ap 3 Soulblaze, Wildfire

Wildfire; whenever soulblaze inflicts an unsaved wound it arcs to all units within 6 on the roll of a 6

Spirit Stone of Anath'lan: Allows a Psyker to reduce the cost of a power by 1 warp charge to a minimum of 1, If he does it he can't use the Runic armour Invunerable

Long Rifle: 120" Sx Ap 3 Heavy 1 Sniper

Mantle of the Laughing god IC loses IC rule but gains Hit and Run, Shrouded and stealth and can reroll failed cover saves

Fa,,,,, Wings: Run up to 48" in the shooting phase, can't shoot, charge into combat or cast shooting psychic powers. reroll failed cover saves until the next turn

Pheonix gem: When model dies roll a d6, on a 2+ place a large blast marker centred over the model, All units take a number of hits equal to the number of models under the template, a S4 Ap5/3, any unsaved wounds and the model gets back up on one wound, this is a one use only thing.

Long rifle and wings were difficult to make out the Letters. the pheonix gem is difficult to make out the ap value, but I think it is one of those two.

Warlocks are now WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W2 I5 A1 Ld8 Sv-

Psyker Lvl 1

Spiritseers have Witchstaves, which may be a new type of weapon.

Vehicle Equipment includes:
Ghostwalk Matrix (in a squad this one is on all or none)
Spirit Stones
Star Engines
Vectored Engines
Crystal Targeting Matrix (Basically fire one weapon first to get a hit that will twin-link the rest of the models weapons at the target)

Shuriken weapons have the Bladestorm rule that auto-wounds on a roll to wound of a 6 with AP2. Ranges appear to stay the same.

Vypers are now BS4.

From bloodofkittens

Wraithknight: Can get Suncanons: S6 AP2 Blast Heavy 3. Twin-linked with Laser Lock if Scatter Lasers hit first. Jump Pack, Monstrous Creature, 6 Wounds, T8, (Scattershield) for Invulnerable Save
Crimson Hunter (Fighter): Gets 2 Bright Lances and Pulse Laser : "Basically Four Lascannons" Gets a "Fighter Ace upgrade"
The Hemlock (Bomber): Gets D-scythes (Str4) and Mindshock (Morale Check) Pod (Bomb) Distort Rule (D-Weapons) any penetration roll of 6 auto pens regardless of strength.
Psychic Powers: Fortune (Re-roll Saves), Quicken (Increased Movement), Guide (re-roll hits), Restrain (Opposite of Quicken) Two sets of powers accessible.
Dire Avengers: Battlefocus: run and shoot in the same turn.
Avatar: Fearless bubble, Fleet
Wraithblades: T6 Forceshield Generator so invulnerable save
Wraithlord: is still T8

The focus of the battle report was of course on the new units, especially the Wraithknight it is almost like GW wants us to buy a certain model or something...
Other little tidbits...

Phil Kelly wrote the rules and Adam Troke the fluff.
No price yet for Iyanden Supplement
Wraithguard can get either Wraithcannon or the D-scythe so this might mean split on rules from the old dex between each weapon.
The force organization of Eldar Unit hasn't changed just new models added into slots
Wraithknight to Heavy Support
Flyers to Fast Attack
Wraithblades to Elite
Spirit Seer to HQ
Named Ranger to HQ

As for the rumors floating around here is some cut and paste love from around the internet.

Codex Eldar :
- Craftworld ships will be introduced
- New special rules for many Eldar units. Old Nemesis (Slaanesh) and Battle Trance (running and shooting)
- Multiple exarch abilitys, options and equipment
Wraithknight (heavy support 240 points)
-Strong Profile (S:10 T:8 W:6 AS:3+, Jump-pack
- 2 heavy Phantom lasers (S10 AP 2 instant death on wound rolls of 6)
- Alternative equipment possible - for example close combat weapons with a 5+ invul and blind special rule or a S:6 5" Blast with AP2. with 5+ invul and blind special rule.
Somach Phantomhunter (fast attack 185 points)
- Psyker with the terrify psychic power
- 2 blast weapons with ap 2
- Enemy units within 12" have to reroll succesful ld tests.
Crimson Hunters (fast attack 160 points)
- New Aspect warriors with strong Exarch upgrades
- May reroll armor pen rolls against flyers
- Vector dancer
Wraithguard /Wraithblades (elite 160 points 5 models)
- Strong profile with S5 T 6 as 3+
- Wraithblades got 2 close combat weapons with AP3 and +1 S or can get a 4+ invul with a single AP2 weapon
- Runeseer can mark targets, every wraith unit can reroll missed to hit rolls of 1 against marked targets.
- If you select a runeseer as HQ, they become troops
Ililic Nightspear (hq 140 points)
- Alaitoc character that allows ranger units the Pathfinder upgrade.
- Has 9 special rules - one of them allows ranger units to infiltrate without the range restrictions to enemy units.
- BS:9 S:X AP2 instant death on wound rolls of 6
Other new releases for Eldar
Phantomseer, Runeprophet and cards for psychic powers.:
- 3 different kinds of psykers (Seer council, Phantomseer, Runeprophet)
- Divination, Telepathy and 2 new Eldar psychic disciplines: Runes of Battle and Runes of Fate (for Rune prophet and Runeseer respectively)
- Runes of Battle have always 2 effects, for example granting Shrouding or taking Shrouding off the enemy unit.
-Runes of Fate : 4 warpcharges, 2 powers, very strong and offensive
via Powerguy over on Dakka
Got a sneak peek of the White Dwarf today, managed to dig out some actual rules from the battle report, preview teasers and a couple of tiny pages from the codex that were printed in the WD that I managed to read. Not many stats on offer but still a reasonable chunk of rules. I'm probably mis-remembering the names of some of these rules but here is what I picked up in no particular order:
- From what I saw all the non Wraith infantry have the run/shoot shoot/run ability (the rule was called Battle something). Avengers definitely do (from the report) and Rangers definitely do (from tiny printed profile in the WD) as well. Not sure if its just for Shuriken weapons (Rangers do have Pistols I guess).
- It looks likes all Eldar have the 'Ancient Foe' special rule, no idea what this does but I suspect its something like Hatred Daemons of Slaneesh (don't think it was Necron related as the report was against Crons) since all Eldar appear to have it (including the Wraith units).
- There are 14 Eldar specific psychic powers from 2 different charts, Runes of Battle and Runes of Fate. However it looks like several of the powers are 2 in 1, i.e they have a buff mode and a debuff mode, so there are actually HEAPS of powers. I.e the Primaris for Battle is Conceal/Reveal (as a single card/roll etc), Conceal gives you Shrouded and Reveal removes Shrouded from an enemy. The 1 on the Battle Chart was Destructor/Renew(?), Destructor being the same as before with Soul Blaze added and Renew allowing you to restore a wound to a friendy model within range (18" I think). Primaris for Runes of Fate was Guide, which is now 24" range but is otherwise the exact same as before. Very surprising to see this as aside from the range it is far worse than the Divination Primaris (although I guess you could take both and effectively Guide two units). The 1 on the Fate Chart was a terrible Focuses Witchfire power. Fortune and Doom are still options (the Farseer in the report had them) and appear to have the same effects.
- The Avatar has Fleet. Also one of the psychic powers increases your movement speed/charge range somehow
- The Wraithknight is insanely huge, it is literally twice the height of a Wraithlord, and the sword option it can take is basically the size of a Wraithlord as well. It can take up to 2 Suncannons, which are S6 AP2 Heavy 3 Small Blast or up to 2 Wraithlances(?) which are presumably the heavy anti tank option. Sword replaces one of the big guns I think (they are arm mounted like the Titans). This is in addition to the two shoulder mounted heavy weapons (I saw Scatters and Starcannons, so presumably the normal range of heavy weapons are available)
- Wraithguard and Wraithblades look good, think scaled down Wraithlords. They looked a bit bigger than the old ones, but I think it was partly just the added range of motion in the poses on 40mm bases (similar to the old 25mm base Terminators vs the newer 40mm base ones, they are bigger but the better poses help as well). Wraithguard can now get either Wraithcannons (which from the fluff descriptions seemed to still be single shot and very powerful) or D Scythes which were described as a multi shot weapon but it could still Pen vehicles on a 6. Wraithblades are only 1A base (sadly) but looked like they could go either 2 CCW(no idea on stats of their weapons, but they appeared to have sword/axe options) or 1 CCW + Shield gen arm.
- Wraithguard are definitely S5 T6, Lord is almost certainly not T6 (a full unit of Destroyers shot one in the report and did nothing, which suggests T8 or some other equivalent buff). No idea on the stats for the Knight.
- It looks like Aspect Warriors have the same base profile, include Exarches with Ld9
- Reapers have Slow and Purposeful
- Rangers have WS4. They also have a character (not sure if he is upgrade or HQ) who has a 120" range Sniper Rifle.
- One of the fliers has 2 Heavy D Scythes on the wings and a psychic based main gun. The other has 2 Bright Lances and a Pulse Laser.
- Saw stats for what looked like special weapons for characters, might have been for Special Characters as well since the 120" range sniper was in there. One weapon was +2S, AP- Melee, Rending, Fleshbane, Instant Death. Another was +1S AP3, Soul Blaze, and if you killed anything with Soul Blaze then every unit within 6" of that unit would become effected by Soul Blaze as well. There was also a one use only piece of wargear, which you could use when the character died. On a 2+ you place a S4 AP3 template over the character, hitting both friend and foe, but if you cause at least 1 wound then the character stands back up with 1 wound. Last one I saw was an item which gave the user Fearless, Shrouded, Stealth and re-roll cover saves but they lose the IC rule, which gives people a way to make a Solitare (the name was something to do with the Laughing God).
"Fire Dragon WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 5 A 1
Fire Dragon Exarch WS 5 BS 5 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 6 A 1
Heavy Aspect Armor (3+)
Fusion Gun
Melta Bombs
Special Rules:
Ancient Doom
Battle Focus
- 5 Dragons 110 points
up to 5 more at 22/model
1 Exarch upgrade 10
Exarch may take Dragon's Breath Flamer for free or Firepike 15pts
Exarch may take up to two of the following exarch powers:
Iron Resolve 5pts
Crushing Blow 10pts
Fast Shot 10pts
May use a Wave Serpent as a Dedicated Transport.
So, Fire Dragons pick up a 3+ save, but jumped up in price by 6 points a head."
MisterNurglДата: Четверг, 30.05.2013, 03:45 | Сообщение # 2
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Eldar warlord traits:
1. one use only. in the own shooting or assault phase, the warlord and all allies within 12" reroll failed to wound rolls of 1.
2. one use only. in the enemys shooting phase. the warlord and all allies within 12" gain the stealth usr.
3. the warlord and his unit add +1 to their run movement (so d6 + 1)
4. the warlord rerolls failed saves of 1.
5. the warlord got the split fire usr
6. allied eldar units deepstriking within 6" around the warlord dont scatter.

Exarch abilites. some are USR some are codex specific:

fear, monsterhunter, night vision, feel no pain, hit & run.
sniper vision : the exarch has precision shots on a 5+
iron resolve: the exarch has +1 LD
disarm: in a challenge before striking blows, the exarch player and the enemy both roll a d6. if the exarch player rolls equal or higher than the enemy the enemys weapon counts as a normal close combat weapon instead. If the WS of the exarch is higher than the enemy, you add +1 to your D6 roll.

fire hail (may be spelled wrong i translate here): the exarch may fire his weapon 1 more time than normal. has no use on flamers.

assassin: in a challenge, the exarch and his enemy both roll a D6. if equal or higher the exarch may reroll failed to wound rolls. if the initiative of the exarch is higher than the opponents, he adds +1 to his roll.
shield of grace: in a challenge, instead of attacking the exarch has a 3+ invulnerable save.
battle luck : 4+ invul for the exarch
crushing blow : +1 S for the exarch.

whats interessting is : the avatar can get exarch powers.

Army special rules :

old nemesis : hatred (daemons of slaanesh and enemys with the mark of slaanesh) also they have -1 on their LD when doing fear tests against daemons of slaanesh and enemys with the mark of slaanesh

battletrance: the unit may run and shoot or shoot and run. you have to run& shoot or shoot& run with each unit before you can move the next unit. models cannot run & shoot or shoot & run with heavy weapons unless they got the relentless special rule.

vehicle equipment:
mindbreaker: every enemy and friendly unit within 12" has to reroll passed lmorale and pinning tests.
ghostpath matrix: the vehicle gets the move through cover USR
holofield: the vehicle grants +1 on its cover save if it has moved.
forcefield : 5+ invul
crystal targeting matrix: one use only. the vehicle (except walkers) can fire a weapon at full BS even if it has moved with cruising speed.
soulstones: the vehicle ignores crew shaken on 2+ and crew stunned on 4+
serpent shield: as long as the shield is active, every penetrating hit on the front and side armor of a vehicle is a glance on a d6 roll of 2+
the shield may be deactivated to grant a following shooting attack : 60" s 7 ap - assault d6+1, ignores cover, pinning.

star engine: a vehicle that is no walker can move 24" with cruising speed. a walker runs +3"

vector engine: as long as the vehicle isnt immobilized, the vehicle can turn after shooting.

195 base
WS 10 BS 10, S 6 W 6 W 5 I 10 A 5 LD 10 AS 3+
old nemesis, daemon, fearless, battletrance, khaines presence, fleet, glowing body.
relic : screaming blade can be used as shooting weapon.

12" S 8 ap 1 assault 1 melta.
or in close combat, S user ap 1. melta

may take 2 of the following (i wont post points)
night vision, fire hail, monsterhunter, crushing strke, sniper vision, disarm.

glowing body: pyromancy, flaming weapons and all attacks with the special rule melta and or soulfire have no effect on the avatar.

runeprophet: 100 pts base
ws 5 BS 5 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 5 A 1 ld 10 AS-

old nemesis, battletrance, psyker level 3, fleet,

independent character.

gear: rune armor, shuriken pistol, hagun zar, ghosthelm.

may take a runespeer instead of hagun zar.
may take runes of protection
runes of clarity
eldar jetbike
may take items of the relics of old glory (coming to that later)

runes of protection : only useable once, before rolling for deny the witch you can decide to use the runes to boost your deny the witch by +2

runes of clarity : one use, if the psyker fails a psychic test he may reroll the test (can also do it if he has perils)

rune armor : 4+ invul

autarch: 70 points base
ws 6 bs 6 s 3 t 3 w 3 i 6 a 3 ld 10 as 3+

old nemesis, battletrance, path of strategy, fleet, independent character.

heavy aspect armor, shuriken pistol, impuls mines, plasma grenades, power shield.

path of strategy: for each autarch in your army you may

modify your reserve rolls by +1 or -1

may take one of the following:
eldar jetbike,
falcon wings

one of the following:
banshee mask

up to 2 of the following:
scorpion sword
fusion gun
haywire lance (only on jetbike)
khaindar rocketlauncher with starswarm rockets
may take items of the old relics

wraithseer: 70 pts
ws 5 bs 5 s 3 t 3 w 2 i 5 a 1 ld 9 as -

old nemesis, ghost marks, battletrance, psyker level 2,

fleet, independent character.

rune armor, shuriken pistol seer stave.

wraith mark : select a enemy unit at any point in the game

within 24" of the wraithseer. all wraith units attacking or shooting that target reroll missed rolls of 1s on to hit rolls

voice of the dead : if you select a wraithseer as HQ. wraithguard and wraithblades are troops instead of elite he can roll on runes of battle and telepathy. no further upgrades for him

runeprophet is runes of fate, divination and telepathy btw.

seer council: 35 pts
ws 4 bs 4 s 3 t 3 w 1 i 5 a 1 ld 8 as -

old nemesis, battletrance, psyker level 1, fleet.
rune armor, shuriken pistol, hagun zar.

psychic powers: runes of battle only.

options: up to additional 9 seer's
each model may take a runespear instead of hagun zar.
each model may take a jetbike

you may have one seer council for each primary

detatchmend. they may be in a unit and can be split up like

wolf guard. each runeseer you cannot attach sticks to his

unit (max 1 per attached unit)
guardians, storm guardians, windrider jetbike squadron,

support weapon platform batter.

asuryans avengers (still troops) 65 points
ws 4 bs 4 s 3 t 3 w 1 i 5 a 1 ld 9 as 4+
exarch +1 ws, bs, i, a and 3+ as

old nemesis, counter attack, battle trance, fleet.

aspect armor, (heavy for exarch), hunt catapult. plasma


options: up to 5 additional avengers
1 may be a exarch
the exarch may take instead of his hunting catapult:
twin linked hunting catapult
powerweapon and shuriken pistol
asuryans sword and shuriken pistol
powerweapon and flickershield
the exarch may take up to 2 powers:
shield of grace
the unit may get a serpent as dedicated transport

swooping hawks: (fast attack) 80 points for 5
ws 4 bs 4 s 3 t 3 w 1 i 5 a 1 ld 9 as 4+
exarch got +1 ws, bs, i, a and 3+ as

old nemesis, uprise, messenger of victory, battle trance, fleet.

aspect armor (heavy for exarch) laserblaster, impuls mines, plasma grenades. falcon grenade launcher, falcon

messenger of victory: a unit completly containing models with this special rule do not scatter while deepstriking.

uprise: a unit completly containing models with this special rule can "uprise". remove the unit and put it in active

reserve. may not be used in the same turn they appeared.

may take : up to 5 additional hawks
one may be a exarch
the exarch may exchange his laserblaster for a
falcon claw or a sunbeamer
the exarch may get a power weapon
the exarch may take 2 powers:
night vision
sniper vision
hit & run

heavy support : black khaindar: 3 man 90 pts
ws 4 bs 4 s 3 t 3 w 1 i 5 a 1 ld 9 as 3+
exarch got +1 ws, bs, i, a

old nemesis, slow and purposeful

heavy aspect armor, khaindar rockelauncher with

starswarm rockets and khaindar targeting array.

may take up to 7 additional khaindar
one may be a exarch
he may exchance his weapon for a shuriken cannon
eldar rocketlauncher with plasma and starstrike rockets,

may take additional anti air rockets
or the orkan rocket launcher
if the exarch got a khaindar rocketlauncher he may get

additional starstrike rockets.
he may take up to 2 powers:
night vision
sniper vision
fire hail
may take a serpent as dedicated transport

and old nemesis is hatred slaanesh (daemon and mark of) aswell as a -1 on the ld when doing fear tests against slaanesh units.

power weapon = power weapon, you can decide what model. its a power weapon in the book. nothing more

next up:
spears of khaine: (fast attack) 75 points for 3
ws 4 bs 4 s 3 t 4 w 1 i 5 a 1 ld 9 as 4+
exarch got +1 ws, bs, i, a and 3+ as

old nemesis, outflank, skilled rider, battle trance

heavy aspect armor, haywire lance. eldar jetbike

may take up to 6 additional ones
one may be a exarch
the exarch may exchange his haywire lance for a

powerweapon or starlance
the exarch may take up to 2 powers
hit & run

warpspiders: fast attack 95 points for 5
ws 4 bs 4 s 3 t 3 w 1 i 5 a 1 ld 9 as 4+
exarch got +1 ws, bs, i, a and 3+ as

they are infantry with jet pack

old nemesis, battle trance, fleet, hit & run

heavy aspect armor, monothrower (may spelled wrong,

sorry) warpjump generator.

may take up to 5 additional spiders
one may be a exarch
he may exchange his monothrower for a twin linked one or

mono - blaster
he may get a pair of power blades
he may take up to 2 powers:
sniper vision
fire hail

crimson hunters: fast attack 160 points for 1
its a flyer
bs 4 f 10 s 10 r 10 with 3 HP
the exarch got +1 bs

skyhunter, perfect shot, vector dancer

2 laserlances, 1 pulsar.

its only 1 flyer always, he may be upgraded to be a exarch
he can exchance his both laserlances for starcannons
he may take both powers:
night vision
sniper vision

guardians: troops: 10 for 90 points
ws 4 bs 4 s 3 t 3 w 1 i 5 a 1 ld 8 as 5+
plattform : ws - bs - s - t 5 w 1 i - a - ld - as 3+
old nemesis, battle trance, fleet.

aramid armor, shuriken catapult
plasma grenades

may take up to 10 additional guardians
for each 10 in the unit one can get a weapon platform:
shuriken cannon
haywire laser
eldar rocketlauncher with plasma and starstrike rockets

may take a serpent as Dedicated transport

storm guardians: 90 points for 10 also troops
ws 4 bs 4 s 3 t 3 w 1 i 5 a 1 ld 8 as 5+

old nemesis, battletrance, fleet

aramid armor, shuriken pistol, chainsword, plasma grenades.

may take up to 10 additional
up to 2 may exchange chainsword + pistol for
flamer, fusionbeamer

up to 2 (additional to the above) may exchange their

chainsword for powerswords

may take a serpent as transport

war walkers: heavy support: 60 pts for one
ws 4 bs 4 s 5 f 10 s 10 r 10 i 5 a 2 hp 2

old nemesis, battletrance, scout, fleet

2 shuriken cannons

may take up to 2 additional ones
each shuriken cannon may be exchanged for the

haywire laser
eldar rocketlauncher with plasma and starstrike rockets.

may also buy additional anti air rockets.
may take vehicle upgrades
they got the 5+ invul. base. yes. they are open topped

however (dont know if before just do it for you guys)

windrider jetbike squadron: troops 51 points for 3
ws 4 bs 4 s 3 t 4 w 1 i 5 a 1 ld 8 as 3+

old nemesis, battle trance

aramid armor, eldar jetbike

may take up to 7 additional ones
for each 3 in the unit one may exchange the twin linked

shuriken catapult on the bikefor a shurken cannon

support weapon platform battery: 30 points for 1 with 2

guadian: ws 4 bs 4 s 3 t 3 w 1 i 5 a 1 ld 8 as 5+
platform got nothing except T 7 W 2 and a 3+ as

special rules (only guardians) old nemesis, battle trance, fleet.

guardians : aramid armor, shuriken catapult, plasma


platform : mono- weaver

may take up 2 to additional platforms including guardians

may exchange the mono- weaver for a
(sorry prolly wrong translation here) infrasound cannon
or a warpcannon

vyper squadrons: fast attack 1 for 50 points

bs 4 f 10 s 10 r 10 2 hp

shuriken cannon, twin linked shuriken catapult

may take 2 additional vypers.

each vyper may echange the shuriken cannon for:
haywire laser
eldar rocketlauncher with plasma and starstrike rockets
every vyper may exchange the twin linked shuriken

catapult for a shuriken cannon
may take vehicle upgrades

fire prism: 125 for it
bs 4 f 12 s 12 r 10 3 hp

fire prism, twin linked shurikencatapult

may exchange the shuriken catapult for a shuriken cannon
may take vehicle upgrades

falcon: heavy support (as fire prism) 125 points
bs 4 f 12 s 12 r 10 3 hp

pulsar, shuriken cannon, twin linked shuriken catapult.

transport capacity : 6

may exchange the shuriken cannon for :
haywire laser
eldar rocket launcher with plasma and starstrike rockets
may exchange the twin linked shuriken catapult for a

shuriken cannon
may take vehicle equipment

shadowweaver: (that wd one) 115 pts
bs 4 f 12 s 12 r 10 3 hp

mono- cannon
twin linked shuriken catapult

may exchange the twin linked catapult for shuriken cannon
may take vehicle upgrades

serpent: 115 points (dedicated transport)
bs 4 f 12 s 12 r 10 3 hp

twin linked shuriken cannon, twin linked shuriken catapult,

serpent shield

capacity : 12

may exchange the tl shuriken cannon for:
twin linked laserlance
twin linked starcannon
twin linked haywire laser
twin linked eldar rocketlauncher with plasma and starstrike

may exchange the tl shuriken catapult for a non twin linked

shriken cannon

may take vehicle upgrades

harlequins: 5 for 90 pts (elite)
harlequin: ws 5 bs 4 s 3 t 3 w 1 i 6 a 2 ld 9 as -
deathjoker: ws 5 bs 4 s 3 t 3 w 1 i 6 a 2 ld 9 as -
fateseer: ws 5 bs 4 s 3 t 3 w 1 i 6 a 2 ld 9 as -
mastermime: ws 5 bs 4 s 3 t 3 w 1 i 6 a 3 ld 9 as -

furious charge, fleet, hit & run

shuriken pistol, cc weapon, harlequin belt, holocoat.

may take additional 5 harlequins
one may be a deathjoker exchanging the cc weapon and pistol for a screamer cannon
one may be a mastermime exchanging the cc weapon for a harlequin whip. may exchange the whip for a powersword
one may be a fateseer becoming psyker lv 1 and granting

him hallucination grenades.
each harlequin may exchange the CCW for a whip.
up to 2 may exchange the pistol for a fusionpistol

the fateseer is psyker level 1 and got only 1 power:
veil of teirs: blessing.
every enemy shooting on the fateseer and his unit has to roll 2d6 x 2 to see if they are within range. if they are not they cannot decide to shoot on a different target

rangers: troops 60 points for 5
ws 4 bs 4 s 3 t 3 w 1 i 5 a 1 ld 8 as 5+

old nemesis, move through cover, infiltrate, battle trance,

stealth, fleet.

aramid armor, ranger sniperrifle, shuriken pistol. may take up to 5 additional rangers

wraithlord (heavy support 120 pts
ws 4 bs 4 s 8 t 8 w 3 i 4 a 3 ld 10 as 3+

old nemesis, fearless

2 shuriken catapults

each shuriken catapult may be exchanged for flamers.

may take a ghostglaive.
may take up to 2 of the following:
haywire laser
eldar rocketlauncher with plasma and starstrike rockets

wraithguard: 160 for 5
ws 4 bs 4 s 5 t 6 w 1 i 5 a 1 ld 10 as 3+

old nemesis, fearless, bulky

phantombeamer (sp)
up to 5 additional ones
the whole unit may exchange the beamers for

the unit may take a serpent

wraithblades: also elite 160 base for 5
ws 4 bs 4 s 5 t 6 w 1 i 5 a 1 ld 10 as 3+

old nemesis, fearless, bulky

2 ghostblades

may take up to 5 additional
the unit may exchange the ghost blades for ghost axe and


may take a serpent

(you can give those fucks with a seer in it a 2+ armor

save.. just saying... but psychic powers come later )

wraithknight (you guys been waiting? ) heavy support 240

ws 4 bs 4 s 10 t 8 w 6 i 5 a 4 ld 10 as 3+
monstrous creature with jumppack

old nemesis, fearless

2 heavy phantombeamer

may exchange both beamer for:
ghostglaive and scattershield
suncannon and scattershield

may take up to 2 of the following (in any combination):
shuriken cannon
haywire laser

sumach wraithhunter: fast attack : 185 pts

bs 4 f 10 s 10 r 10 3 hp

psyker level 1, psyker crew, vector dancer

he always comes with the terrify psychic power (telepathy)

no roll allowed

2 heavy warpscythes, ghostbreaker, soulstones.

striking scorpions: elite : 85 points for 5
ws 4 bs 4 s 3 t 3 w 1 i 5 a 1 ld 9 3+ as
exarch : +1 ws, bs, i and a
old nemesis, move through cover infiltrate, battle trance,

stealth, fleet

heavy aspect armor, shuriken pistol, plasma grenades,

scorpion sword, mandiblasters

may take up to 5 additional
one may be a exarch
may replace the pistol for scorpion scissors
may replace the sword for ripping blade
may replace the pistol and the sword for a

scorpionscimiat (sp)
may take 2 powers:
monster hunter
crushing blow

may take a serpent

banshees: elite 75 points for 5
ws 4 bs 4 s 3 t 3 w 1 i 5 a 1 ld 9 4+ as
exarch +1 ws, bs, i a and 3+ as
acrobatic, old nemesis, battle trance, fleet

aspect armor, heavy aspect armor (exarch), shuriken

pistol, power sword, banshee mask

may take up to 5 additional ones

one may be a exarch
may exchange the powersword for:
triskele or deathblade
the exarch may exchange the pistol and power sword for

2 mirror blades
she may take up to 2 powers:
shield of grace

may take a serpent

asurmen: 220 pts

old nemesis, eternal warrior, fearless, counter attack, hand

of asuryan, battle trance, fleet, independent character

exarch powers:
battle luck and shield of grace

phoenix armor, twin linked hunting catapult

hand of asuryan: if you play him he always has to be the

warlord... he rolls d3 times on the warlord chart. rerolling

doubles. holy cow o.o

relic: sword of asur: s +1 ap 2 master crafted, soulcut (for

each failed save by this blade the enemy has to make a ld

test. if he fails, instant death)

karandras: 230 points
ws 7 bs 7 s 4 t 4 w 3 i 7 a 4 ld 10 as 2+

old nemesis, move through cover, eternal warrior,

fearless, infiltrate, battle trance, night vision, fleet,

shrouded (o.o) independent character

phoenix armor, scorpion sword, scorpion scissors,

plasma grenades.

exarch powers: assassin, monster hunter

warlord trait: the 1st one. always

his relic, sting of the scorpion: in cc at iniatiative step 10

he causes a single automatic hit at strength 6 on a enemy

in base contact. if he is within a challenge the hit has to go

to the challenger. nothing else.

jain zar: 200 pts
ws 7 bs 7 s 4 t 4 w 3 i 7 a 4 ld 10 as 2+

acrobatic (counter attack for exarch and unit) old nemesis,

eternal warrior, fearless, battle trance, fleet, independent


phoenix armor.

exarch powers: fear, disarm

silent death:
shooting 12" s user ap 2 assault 4
close combat: s user ap 2 melee.

blade of destruction:
s user ap 2 melee, rending

mask of jain zar: if jain zar assaults the WS and initiative of

every enemy in the close combat is reduced by 5

(minimum 1)

always comes with the 3rd warlord trait

fuegan: 220 pts

ws 7 bs 7 s 4 t 4 w 3 i 7 a 4 ld 10 as 2+

old nemesis, eternal warrior, fearless, battle trance, fleet,

independent character, unbreakable resolve, feel no pain.

phoenix armor, fire pike, melta bombs

exarch powers: fire hail, crushing blow

relic axe of fire: s user ap 1 melee, armourbane

unbreakable resolve: on the end of each phase in which

fuegan lost a wound his S and his A increase by 1 for

each lost wound. last until the end of the game.

always comes with the 5th warlord power.

maugan ra
ws 7 bs 7 s 4 t 4 w 3 i 7 a 4 ld 10 as 2+

old nemesis, eternal warrior, fearless, hatred (chaos

daemons) battle trance, fleet, independent character, relentless phoenix armor

exarch powers: night vision, fire hail, sniper vision

relic : maugetar: 36" s 6 ap 5 assault 4 rending, pinning
in close combat : s +2 ap 3 melee

always has the 5th warlord trait

baharroth: 195

ws 7 bs 7 s 4 t 4 w 3 i 7 a 4 ld 10 as 2+

old nemesis, uprise, messenger of victory, eternal warrior,

fearless, battle trance, fleet, night vision, shining sun,

independent character

phoenix armor, falcon claws, haywire mines, plasma

grenades, falcon grenadelauncher, falcon wings.

exarch powers: battle luck, hit & run

shinging sun: every enemy that is within 6" when baharroth

deepstrikes count as having been hit by a weapon with the

blind special rune.

relic : shinging blade: s user ap 3 melee, blinding.

always has the 3rd warlord trait

eldrad: 205
ws 5 bs 5 s 3 t 4 w 3 i 5 a 1 ld 10 as -

old nemesis, the path beyond, battle trance, psyker level

4, fleet, independent character.

psychic powers : runes of fate, telepathy and divination

shurken pistol, hagun zar, ghost helm, runes of protection,

runes of clarity.

armor of the last runes:
3+ invul

staff of ulthamar: s user ap 3 melee, lifebane, force weapon, soubound

soulbound: whenever eldrad passes a psychic tests he rolls a d6 on a 5+ he gains 1 warpcharge.

path beyond: after both sides have deployed but before

scouting moves are made you may redeploy d3+1 units.

you cannot switch from on the table in reserve or from reserve on the board

always comes with the 2nd warlord trait

i will skip ilic however. i want one thing for you to see for yourself

however if you play him you can make rangers to pathfinders for +13 pts per model. granting precision shots on 5+ and shrouded. (in addition to stealth)

and no you dont need anything to play a seer council, they are just 1 unit per primary detatchment

mono-blaster : 18" s 6 ap 1 rapid fire, monofilament, pinning
mono- catapult : 12" s 6 ap - assault 2 monofilament
mono- weaver: 48" s 6 ap 6, heavy 1 small blast, monofilament, barrage.
scattered: 48" s 7 ap 6 heavy 1 larg blast, monofilament, pinning, barrage
concentrated: flame s 7 ap 6 heavy 1 monofilament, torrent.

monofilmanet: if the targeted unit has initiative 3 or less (or nothing) the strength of the weapon counts as beeing one point higher. on a wound roll of 6 thiw weapon wounds automatically and counts as ap 1
units with mixed initiative use the highest initiative.

orkan rocketlauncher:
36" s 4 ap 3 heavy 2 small blast, barrage.

fire prism:
scattered: 60" s 5 ap 3 heavy 1 large blast
concentrated: 60" s 7 ap 2 heavy 1 small blast
lance mode : 60" s 9 ap 1 heavy 1 lance

ranger rifle: 36" sx ap 6 heavy 1 sniper

shuriken pistol : 12" s 4 ap 5 pistol, shurikenstorm
shuriken catalpult : 12" s 4 ap 5 assault 2 shurikenstorm
huntinc catapult : 18" s 4 ap 5 assault 2 shurikenstorm
shurken cannon : 24" s 6 ap 5 assault 3 shurikenstorm
screamer cannon : 24" s 6 ap 5 assault 3 pinning, shurikenstorm

shurikenstorm : to wound rolls of 6 count as automatically wounded with ap 2

scorpion saber (the exchangeable weapon for pistol and sword):
shooting: 12" s 4 ap 5 assault 2, shurikenstorm
melee: s+1 ap 5 melee, rending.

scorpion scissiors:
shooting: 12" s 4 ap 5 assault 2 shurikenstorm
melee: sx2 ap 2 melee (not unwieldly)

starcannon : 36" s 6 ap 2 heavy 2
suncannon: 48" s 6 ap 2 heavy 3 small blasts

star lance:
shooting: 6" s 8 ap 2 assault 1 lance
melee: s 8 ap 2 melee, impact, lance

shooting: 12" s 3 ap 3 assault 3
melee: s user ap 3 melee

warpscythe: flamer s 4 ap 2 assault 1 warprift
heavy warpscythe: 18" s 4 ap 2 assault 1 small blast, warprift
phantom beamer: 12" s 10 ap 2 assault 1 warprift
warpcannon: 24" s 10 ap 2 heavy 1 small blast warprift
heavy phantombeamer( or wraithbeamer) 36" s 10 ap 2 assault 1 warprift

warprift not vehicle units get automatically wounded on a to wound roll of 6 and also causes instant death. against vehicles every penetration roll of 6 is a penetrating hit.

asuryans sword: s user ap 2 melee, soulcut:

for each unsaved wound caused by it the model has to pass a ld test or gets removed from play.

energy blades: 2 weapons: s user ap 3 melee

ghost axe: s +2 ap 2 melee, unwieldly
ghost glaive: s +1 ap 2 melee, master crafted
ghost sword: s +1 ap 3 melee

harlequin whip : s user ap - melee, rending

ripping blade: s +2 ap 4 melee, two handed

shooting: 12" s 9 ap - assault 1 fleshbane
melee: s user ap - melee, lifebane, armourbane

scorpion sword: s +1 ap 6, melee

mirror blades: 2 weapons: s user ap 3 melee, mastercrafted

deathblade: s
s +2 ap 2 melee, two handed

seer staff: s user ap - melee, lifebane, armourbane, soulblaze


broken piece of anaris:
s +2 ap - melee, rending, vauls work

vauls work : the user of the weapon has the fearless rule. in a challenge attacks made with this weapon have the fleshbane and instant death special rules

faolchus wing:

a model with faolchus wing may decide in its shooting phase to run 48", if it does so it may not shoot , attack or cast psychic powers, the model may reroll failed coversaves until the beginning of the next phase (why do i think about the flash here....)


s+1 ap 3 melee, soulblaze, conflagration

conflagration: if the soulblaze special rule of this blade causes a unsaved wound roll a d6 for every unith within 6" of that unit (friend and foe). if you roll a 6 the unit gets hit by soulblaze aswell.

hunting rifle of uldanoreth
120" s x ap 3 heavy 1 sniper.

mantle of the laughing god:
the user loses the independent character special rule but gains stealth, shrouded, hit & run and can reroll failed cover saves

phoenix jewel:
only one use. before the user of the jewel gets taken off the board as casuality roll a d6. on 1 nothing happens, on a 2+ center the last blast template of the user. every unit hit by the template, friend andf oe suffer as many s4 ap 6 hits as they got models in the unit. if at least one unsaved wound was caused, the user does not get removed from the table but remains in play with 1 remaining wound.

soulstone of anath'lan

every time the user of the soulstone tryies to cast a psychic power he may decide to reduce the warpcharge cost of the psychic power by 1 (minimum 1). if he does so he cannot use his rune armor until the rest of his turn. (not bad actually. since you got the invul back at the enemy turn)

okay last thing: psychic powers:

runes of battle: each power has 2 effects. one for you and one for the enemy

either : blessing: the psyker and his unit have the shrouded special rule
or : a enemy unit within 18" loses the shrouded special rule

either : witchfire: flamer s 5 ap 4 assault 1 soulblaze
or: blessing: heals a lost wound on a model in a unit within 18", cannot restore dead models.

either: blessing: the psyker and his unit have the fearless special rule
or: malediction: a enemy unit within 18" reduces its LD by -3

either: blessing: the psyker and his unit have +1 ws and I
or : malediction: a enemy unit within 18" have -1 ws and I

either: blessing: the psyker and his unit increase their armorsave by 1 (yes. 2+ armor for wraithguard/blades!!)
or: a enemy unit within 18" reduces its armorsave by 1 (terminators get powerarmor, lol)

either: blessing: the psyker and his unit run additional 3"
or: malediction: a enemy unit within 18" cannot run

either: blessing: the psyker and his unit have +1 S
or: malediction: a enemy unit within 18" has -1 S

next up, runes of fate

blessing: friendly unit within 24" may reroll failed to hit rolls

focused witchfire: 24" a enemy model suffers 3 hits with the strength of the runeprophet and the special rule lifebane.
if a model gets killed by this targets another model with 2 hits. if one gets killed by that, the last one gets hit 1 time.

malediction: 24" range, if the target is a non vehicle unit all failed to wound rolls may be rerolled against the target. if the target is a vehicle every attack against it can reroll failed armor pen rolls

witchfire: 24" s 3 ap - assault 1 larg blast, haywire, lifebane, pinning

blessing: the runeprophet gains d3+2 token. at the ending of each phase the runeprophet has to roll a d6. on a 1-3 one token gets removed. on a 4+ nothing happens until the end of the next phase.
as long as the runeprophet has at least one token his stats get increased by:
WS, BS, I +5 and attacks +2. he also gains the rampage and fearless special rules.

if the runeprophet loses the last marker or the game ends he is removed as a casuality.
(this isnt even my final form!)

blessing: a friendly unit within 24" may reroll all failed saves

focused witchfire: 24"
the runeprophet and the target both roll a d6 and add their ld.

if the target result is higher, the runeprophets WS and BS gets reduced to 1.

if the result is equal the target model reduces its WS and BS to 1.

if the runeprophets result is higher the target suffers as many wounds as there was a difference in the result. in addition WS and BS gets reduced to 1. no armor or coversaves allowed.
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