Star Wars Roleplaying Game D6 [1987-2007, PDF, ENG]
MisterNurgl | Дата: Пятница, 01.04.2011, 14:17 | Сообщение # 1 |
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Первая ролевая игра по вселенной Star Wars. Эта игра, первое издание которой вышло в далеком 1987 году, основана на игровой системе D6 от компании West End Games и она являеться предшественницей ролевой игры на основе игровой системы D20 от компании Wizards of the Coast. Третье обновление коллекции, многие книги заменены на более качественные версии. Добавлен West End Games - Star Wars - Mos Eisley Shoot-Out Game в раздел Board Games. Добавлен West End Games - Star Wars - Adventure Journal 17 в раздел Adventure Journals.
Название: Star Wars Roleplaying Game D6 Год: 1987-2007 Издательство: West End Games Язык: Английский Формат: PDF Качество: Отсканированные страницы Количество страниц: В среднем от 10 до 90 Дополнительно: Для просмотра сорсбуков рекомендую программу STDU Viewer
Примеры страниц:
Список книг
Adventure Journals:
West End Games - Star Wars - Adventure Journal 01 West End Games - Star Wars - Adventure Journal 02 West End Games - Star Wars - Adventure Journal 03 West End Games - Star Wars - Adventure Journal 04 West End Games - Star Wars - Adventure Journal 05 West End Games - Star Wars - Adventure Journal 06 West End Games - Star Wars - Adventure Journal 07 West End Games - Star Wars - Adventure Journal 08 West End Games - Star Wars - Adventure Journal 09 West End Games - Star Wars - Adventure Journal 10 West End Games - Star Wars - Adventure Journal 11 West End Games - Star Wars - Adventure Journal 12 West End Games - Star Wars - Adventure Journal 13 West End Games - Star Wars - Adventure Journal 14 West End Games - Star Wars - Adventure Journal 15 West End Games - Star Wars - Adventure Journal 16 West End Games - Star Wars - Adventure Journal 17
Board Games:
West End Games - Star Wars - Assault on Hoth Boardgame West End Games - Star Wars - Battle for Endor Boardgame West End Games - Star Wars - Escape from the Death Star Boardgame West End Games - Star Wars - Star Warriors Starfighter Combat Boardgame West End Games - Star Wars - Mos Eisley Shoot-Out Game
Boxed Sets
West End Games - Star Wars - DarkStryder Campaign Set West End Games - Star Wars - Introductory Game Box Set West End Games - Star Wars - Lords of the Expanse Set West End Games - Star Wars - Miniatures Battles Vehicle Starter Set West End Games - Star Wars - Mos Eisley Adventure Set
First Edition:
West End Games - Star Wars - Battle for the Golden Sun West End Games - Star Wars - Black Ice West End Games - Star Wars - Campaign Pack West End Games - Star Wars - Cracken's Rebel Field Guide West End Games - Star Wars - Crisis on Cloud City West End Games - Star Wars - Death Star Technical Companion West End Games - Star Wars - Death in the Undercity West End Games - Star Wars - Domain of Evil West End Games - Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 01 - A New Hope West End Games - Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 02 - Yavin & Bespin West End Games - Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 03 - The Empire Strikes Back West End Games - Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 04 - Alien Races West End Games - Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 05 - Return of the Jedi West End Games - Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 06 - Tramp Freighters West End Games - Star Wars - Gamemaster Kit West End Games - Star Wars - Graveyard of Alderaan West End Games - Star Wars - Imperial Sourcebook West End Games - Star Wars - Jedi's Honor West End Games - Star Wars - Lightsaber Dueling Pack - Darth Vader West End Games - Star Wars - Lightsaber Dueling Pack - Luke Skywalker West End Games - Star Wars - Lightsaber Dueling Pack West End Games - Star Wars - Mission to Lianna West End Games - Star Wars - Otherspace 2 - Invasion West End Games - Star Wars - Otherspace West End Games - Star Wars - Planet of the Mists West End Games - Star Wars - Planets of the Galaxy - Volume One West End Games - Star Wars - Rebel Alliance Sourcebook West End Games - Star Wars - Riders of the Maelstrom West End Games - Star Wars - Roleplaying Game West End Games - Star Wars - Rules Companion West End Games - Star Wars - Scavenger Hunt West End Games - Star Wars - Scoundrel's Luck West End Games - Star Wars - Star Wars Sourcebook West End Games - Star Wars - Starfall West End Games - Star Wars - Starfighter Battle Book West End Games - Star Wars - Strike Force Shantipole West End Games - Star Wars - Tatooine Manhunt West End Games - Star Wars - The Abduction of Crying Dawn Singer West End Games - Star Wars - The Game Chambers of Questal West End Games - Star Wars - The Isis Coordinates West End Games - Star Wars - The Politics of Contraband
Second and Revised Editions:
West End Games - Star Wars - Alien Encounters West End Games - Star Wars - Alliance Intelligence Reports West End Games - Star Wars - Classic Adventures Volume Five West End Games - Star Wars - Classic Adventures Volume Four West End Games - Star Wars - Classic Adventures Volume One West End Games - Star Wars - Classic Adventures Volume Three West End Games - Star Wars - Classic Adventures Volume Two West End Games - Star Wars - Classic Campaigns West End Games - Star Wars - Clone Wars Sourcebook - Revised West End Games - Star Wars - Craken's Rebel Operatives West End Games - Star Wars - Craken's Threat Dossier West End Games - Star Wars - Creatures of the Galaxy West End Games - Star Wars - Cynabar's Fantastic Technology - Droids West End Games - Star Wars - D6 Conversion - Galaxy at War West End Games - Star Wars - D6 Conversion - Galaxy of Intrigue West End Games - Star Wars - D6 Conversion - Jedi Academy Training Manual West End Games - Star Wars - D6 Conversion - Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide West End Games - Star Wars - D6 Conversion - Legacy Era Campaign Guide West End Games - Star Wars - D6 Conversion - Rebellion Era Campaign Guide West End Games - Star Wars - D6 Conversion - Scum and Villainy West End Games - Star Wars - D6 Conversion - Starships of the Galaxy Saga Edition West End Games - Star Wars - D6 Conversion - The Clone Wars Campaign Guide West End Games - Star Wars - D6 Conversion - The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide West End Games - Star Wars - D6 Conversion - The Unknown Regions West End Games - Star Wars - D6 Conversion - Threats of the Galaxy West End Games - Star Wars - Dark Empire Sourcebook West End Games - Star Wars - DarkStryder Campaign - Endgame (supplement 3) West End Games - Star Wars - DarkStryder Campaign - The Kathol Outback (supllement 1) West End Games - Star Wars - DarkStryder Campaign - The Kathol Rift (supplement 2) West End Games - Star Wars - Death Star Technical Companion West End Games - Star Wars - Flashpoint! Brak Sector West End Games - Star Wars - Galadinium's Fantastic Technology West End Games - Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 01 - A New Hope West End Games - Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 02 - Yavin and Bespin West End Games - Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 03 - The Empire Strikes Back West End Games - Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 04 - Alien Races West End Games - Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 05 - Return of the Jedi West End Games - Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 06 - Tramp Freighters West End Games - Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 07 - Mos Eisley West End Games - Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 08 - Scouts West End Games - Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 09 - Fragments from the Rim West End Games - Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 10 - Bounty Hunters West End Games - Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 11 - Criminal Organizations West End Games - Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 12 - Aliens - Enemies and Allies West End Games - Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 14 - The Dark Side West End Games - Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 15 - Attack of the Clones West End Games - Star Wars - Gamemaster Handbook for Second Edition West End Games - Star Wars - Gamemaster Screen - Revised West End Games - Star Wars - Gamemaster Screen West End Games - Star Wars - Gamemaster Toolkit - Live-Action Adventures West End Games - Star Wars - Goroth Slave of the Empire West End Games - Star Wars - Gundarks Fantastic Technology - Personal Gear West End Games - Star Wars - Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook West End Games - Star Wars - Heroes and Rogues West End Games - Star Wars - Hideouts and Strongholds West End Games - Star Wars - Imperial Double-Cross West End Games - Star Wars - Imperial Sourcebook West End Games - Star Wars - Instant Adventures West End Games - Star Wars - Live-Action Adventures West End Games - Star Wars - Lords of the Expanse - Campaign Guide West End Games - Star Wars - Lords of the Expanse - Gamemaster Guide West End Games - Star Wars - Lords of the Expanse - Sector Guide West End Games - Star Wars - Miniatures Battles - Imperial Entanglements West End Games - Star Wars - Miniatures Battles Companion West End Games - Star Wars - Miniatures Battles West End Games - Star Wars - No Disintegrations West End Games - Star Wars - Operation Elrood West End Games - Star Wars - Pirates and Privateers West End Games - Star Wars - Planets Collection West End Games - Star Wars - Planets of the Galaxy - Volume Three West End Games - Star Wars - Planets of the Galaxy Volume Two West End Games - Star Wars - Platt's Smugglers Guide West End Games - Star Wars - Platt's Starport Guide West End Games - Star Wars - Player's Guide to Tapani West End Games - Star Wars - Rebel Alliance Sourcebook West End Games - Star Wars - Roleplaying Game - Revised and Expanded West End Games - Star Wars - Roleplaying Game West End Games - Star Wars - Rules of Engagement - Rebel Specforce Handbook West End Games - Star Wars - Secrets of the Sisar Run West End Games - Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire Planets Guide West End Games - Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire West End Games - Star Wars - Sourcebook West End Games - Star Wars - Special Edition Star Wars Trilogy Sourcebook West End Games - Star Wars - Stock Ships West End Games - Star Wars - Supernova West End Games - Star Wars - Tales of the Jedi Companion West End Games - Star Wars - Tapani Sector Instant Adventures West End Games - Star Wars - The Best of Star Wars Adventure Journal Issues 1-4 West End Games - Star Wars - The Black Sands Of Socorro West End Games - Star Wars - The Far Orbit Project West End Games - Star Wars - The Jedi Academy Sourcebook West End Games - Star Wars - The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook West End Games - Star Wars - The New Republic - Dark Force Rising Sourcebook West End Games - Star Wars - The New Republic - Heir to the Empire Sourcebook West End Games - Star Wars - The New Republic - The Last Command West End Games - Star Wars - The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook West End Games - Star Wars - Truce at Bakura Sourcebook West End Games - Star Wars - Twin Stars Of Kira West End Games - Star Wars - Wanted by Cracken West End Games - Star Wars - Wretched Hives of Scum and Villainy
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natas | Дата: Суббота, 01.10.2011, 20:51 | Сообщение # 2 |
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MisterNurgl | Дата: Суббота, 01.10.2011, 21:35 | Сообщение # 3 |
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MisterNurgl | Дата: Воскресенье, 02.10.2011, 13:06 | Сообщение # 4 |
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natas | Дата: Воскресенье, 02.10.2011, 19:32 | Сообщение # 5 |
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Sciende | Дата: Четверг, 10.05.2012, 03:33 | Сообщение # 6 |
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MisterNurgl | Дата: Четверг, 10.05.2012, 09:23 | Сообщение # 7 |
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Sciende | Дата: Понедельник, 14.05.2012, 02:03 | Сообщение # 8 |
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Ландыш | Дата: Воскресенье, 14.04.2013, 13:16 | Сообщение # 9 |
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